材 料: 超高防锈高硬度不锈钢,钛,钛合金,高防锈不锈钢
LZQ是一家生产各种医疗工具的OEM代工工厂,例如,螺丝起子, 自停头颅钻, 成型钻,骨科钻针 , 基台/转移杆, 等等。我们也可以为客户生产成套手术工具。
Application domain: for Medical
Material: Ultra high anti-rust & high-hardness stainless steel, titanium,titanium alloy, high anti-rust stainless steel
Products Description
LZQ is an OEM factory for all kinds of medical tools, such asScrewdriver , Auto Stop Cranial Perforator, Profile Drill ,Bone Drill Point , Abutment,ect. We can produce a whole kit of tools for customers’surgical cases.
(ultra-high anti-rust,high-hardness,high-rigidity type & different colors treatment & complex forming procesing available)
High anti-rust stainless steel and titanium metal materials with different colors on surface, and varying degrees of matt / shiny treatment
We can grind high-precision segmented slot
Corresponding and matching drills and tools of different types, forms, shapes, structures can be high precisely ground to mold according to different brands and different types of implants forms, shapes, structures, etc.
Joint supply and sales for medium and large enterprises, OEM assistance service for medium and large capitalization wholesaling. From high-end products processed by 6-axis / 7-axis linkage CNC (AAA grade), to middle-end products processed by 3-axis / 4-axis CNC (D grade), different levels of quality and different price ... Our reliable products can replace the first-class products, and we are professional in mass production,high cost-effective R & D, production & processing, as well as design revision according to drawings or samples of special, non-standard, special-shaped & new products. We can reduce the comprehensive cost greatly!
Implant Mount driver machine / Dental Mountless driver hand
Flat Spanner for abutment / Placement Aid
Bone tap wrench / Handheld driver
Dental INSTRUMENT FOR COVER CAP / temporary Peek abutment
Sub-Tec temporary titaniumabutment / prosthesis screw /
Manual adaptor for drive / External hexagonal mandrels
Internal hexagonal mandrel